Internationally renowned virtuoso guitarist and composer Gil Gutiérrez accompanied by David Rodriguez (Bass) and Robert Stern (violin) form the Gil Gutierrez Trio, performing at Birdland NYC on Friday, May 17, Saturday May 18 and Sunday, May 19, showtimes are 7:00pm and 9:30pm and doors open half hour before showtime.
Gil Gutierrez Trio in the Theater / 2024

A virtuoso with the nylon string guitar and tres since are 14, Gil Gutiérrez has performed at the Kennedy Center, the Mexican Cultural Institute of the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C., and at Carnegie Hall accompanied by the New York Pops with Doc Severinsen. Gil tours internationally with guest artists including Arturo Sandoval, Ana Gabriel, Ricardo Arjona, Francisco Céspedes and Pedro Guerrail. He was featured with Doc in 2022 on PBS American Masters series.

Grammy Award-winner Doc Severinsen has been celebrated as America’s favorite trumpet player for more than half a century. Welcomed into living rooms for three decades as the leader of “The Tonight Show Orchestra,” (with host Johnny Carson hailing him as ‘the greatest trumpet player in the world,’) his impeccable musicianship and charismatic presence still dazzles.
Internationally acclaimed virtuoso guitarist Gil Gutiérrez Trio performs at Birdland Theater

Grammy Award-winner Doc Severinsen has been celebrated as America’s favorite trumpet player for more than half a century. Welcomed into living rooms for three decades as the leader of “The Tonight Show Orchestra,” (with host Johnny Carson hailing him as ‘the greatest trumpet player in the world,’) his impeccable musicianship and charismatic presence still dazzles.
Jazz Virtuoso Guitarist Gil Gutiérrez Trio Comes to Birdland Theater

See the incredible Gil Gutiérrez Trio performing at the legendary Birdland Theater on June 3rd – 5th with two sets each evening at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Internationally renowned virtuoso guitarist and composer Gil Gutiérrez accompanied by David Rodriguez (Bass) and Robert Stern (violin).
Gil Gutiérrez Trio In The Theater At Birdland

Don’t miss the incredible Gil Gutiérrez Trio performing at the Birdland Theater on June 3rd – 5th with two sets each evening!
Internationally Acclaimed Virtuoso Guitarist Gil Gutierrez Trio Announced At Birdland Theater

Watch the incredible Gil Gutierrez trio perform at the legendary Birdland Theater from June 3 – June 5, with two sets each evening at 7:00 and 9:30 with internationally renowned virtuoso guitarist and composer Gil Gutierrez David Rodriguez (bass) ) and with Robert Stern (violin).
Internationally Acclaimed Virtuoso Guitarist Gil Gutierrez Trio Announced At Birdland Theater

Gil Gutiérrez is a virtuoso that has mastered the nylon string guitar. He is known throughout the music industry as one of Mexico’s finest musicians.
The Gil Gutierrez Trio at Jazz Standard

Joining a classical pianist friend at Jazz Standard’s first set tonight for dinner and music was all the more enjoyable thanks to the extraordinary trio, Gil Gutiérrez on guitar, Robert Stern on violin, and David Rodriguez on bass. In fact, I was so enthralled with the trio’s lush arrangements of some of my favorite tango tunes, listed above, that I stayed for the second set, and there were additional tunes, plus ravishing encores of the Piazzolla and Laurenz tangos.
Connections: Tango Time

The meeting room of the East Hampton Presbyterian Church, which is regularly filled by Sunday-school classes and women’s-club suppers, is not exactly where you would expect to go to a Latin jazz concert by a world-class performer. On Saturday night, however, the music, and some tango dancing, took over.